Project Description
🏛 Una band stellare, domenica 10 agosto I VULFPECK presentano “THE FEARLESS FLYERS” al FestiValle 2025 – UNICA DATA IN SICILIA, Prima volta in ITALIA!
Domenica 10 agosto, FestiValle 2025
DOVE: MAIN Stage Cava di Tufo della Valle dei Templi Indirizzo: cercare su Google Maps Teatro dell'Efebo, Via Demetra SNC, 92100 Agrigento (AG)
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🎸 Una band stellare, un mix esplosivo di funk, soul e groove, tango groove! i The Fearless Flyers portano sul palco un’energia che ha già conquistato fan in tutto il mondo dai soldout al Madison Square Garden al North Sea jazz festival. Non perderti questo spettacolo in una cornice mozzafiato, dove la musica incontra la magia senza tempo dell’antica Grecia. FestiValle 2025 ti aspetta!

Seriously? We are not joking!
THE FEARLESS FLYERS are coming to FestiValle 2025, for the first time in Italy and directly from the Olympus of Funk: a side project of VULFPECK with Cory Wong, Joe Dart, Nate Smith and Mark Lettieri 🏛
🎸 A stellar band, an explosive mix of funk, soul and groove, tango groove! The Fearless Flyers bring to the stage an energy that has already won fans all over the world from sold-out shows at Madison Square Garden to the North Sea jazz festival. Don’t miss this show in a breathtaking setting, where music meets the timeless magic of ancient Greece. FestiValle 2025 is waiting for you!
FV25 Artists